Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Period Of Reconstruction During The Years Of 1865-1877

HBCUs were created during the period of Reconstruction in the years of 1865-1877. During this time period the Civil War was finally over and â€Å"Abraham Lincoln was now making plans for immediate equality for former slaves†. During Presidents Lincoln last speech he talked about â€Å"supporting enfranchisement of freedom†, in which he is basically talking about emancipating all African Americans; while Lincoln supported this idea Andrew Johnson opposed it. Andrew Johnson didn’t agree with this way of living with African Americans but there was something that he hated and despised even more and that was rich people.During the time period of reconstruction african americans wanted to do something better for themselves, they started off Andrew†¦show more content†¦No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.† Being as though this amendment was created and now applied to all people African Americans began developing many new skills that whites didn’t possess. â€Å"President Ulysses S. Grant supported Radical Reconstruction and enforced the protection of African Americans in the South through the use of the Force Acts passed by Congress. Grant suppressed the Ku Klux Klan, but was unable to resolve the escalating tensions inside the Republican party between the Carpetbaggers and the Scalawags (native whites in the South).† African Americans started off with making sure all African Americans had an education so that they may be able to work job and make their own money and succeed on their own without needing to wait for their â€Å"white masters† anymore. In August 1862, President Lincoln met with African-American leaders and â€Å" urged them to colonize some

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